Community Information & Support Members


If you need help for any reason, there is help close to your home.

It might be money problems, health, alcohol or drugs, gambling, depression or anxiety; perhaps the fear of getting evicted. Or there might be violence at home. You might have a member of your family who has a problem and doesn’t know where to look for help.

We can help

For free, and in complete privacy. We have 54 agencies who are members of CISVic across Melbourne and the rest of Victoria. Your local agency can offer a range of support services whether the problem is large or small.

How we help

Whether it’s information – on anything and everything – or just helping filling in forms, we’re happy to help.

You are not alone

Sometimes, just talking about it helps. We’re here to help you fix the things that are worrying you, for free and in complete privacy. No problem is too big, no problem is too small.

Services you may find at your local Community Information and Support Service

  • Information and referral to services and supports
  • Emotional and practical assistance
  • Financial Counselling
  • Generalist Casework
  • Energy Hardship Support
  • Education Costs Programs
  • Family Support Programs
  • Settlement Services
  • Youth Services
  • Community Meals Program
  • L2P Program
  • Housing Support Casework
  • Volunteer Resource Programs
  • Student Placement Opportunities
  • Neighbourhood House Programs
  • Tax Help
  • No Interest Loan Scheme
  • Foodshare
  • Community Register